NuCamp BootCamp – Notes: Table of Contents – Node JS, Express and MongoDB

NuCamp Full Stack (Class Notes) – Node JS, Express and MongoDB


Note to readers from CS: These notes are very detailed, but also contain stuff that is missing from NuCamps Videos. They are not a substitute for the class. Tests have been left. Other things have been added to make things easier to understand. If you want to really learn take the class. It is worth it! Beware, what you put into the class is what you get out.  Be sure to use my referral code (WWJSU4 ) if you sign up for a class!

Special Extra Note: This Class is by far the most difficult, very hard without a very good JavaScript Foundation and understanding of previous classes! Study JavaScript!

Week 1: Introduction to Node and Express

  1. Bootcamp Notes – Day 1 (Mon) – NodeJS: Week 1: Intro to Node and Express
  2. Bootcamp Notes – Day 2 (Tues) – NodeJS: Week 1: Node and HTTP
  3. Bootcamp Notes – Day 3 (Wed) – NodeJS: Week 1: Express Server Framework and NPM Packages

Week 2: Introduction to MongoDB

  1. Bootcamp Notes – Day 4 (Mon) – NodeJS: Week 2: Introduction to MongoDB – Express Generator
  2. Bootcamp Notes – Day 5 (Tues) – NodeJS: Week 2: Introduction to MongoDB
  3. Bootcamp Notes – Day 6 (Wed) – NodeJS: Week 2: Node and MongoDB
  4. Bootcamp Notes – Day 7 (Thurs) – NodeJS: Week 2: Mongoose ODM
  5. Bootcamp Notes – Day 8 (Fri) – NodeJS: Week 2: REST API with Express, MongoDB, and Mongoose

Week 3: Authentication

  1. Bootcamp Notes – Day 9 (Mon) – NodeJS: Week 3: Authentication
  2. Bootcamp Notes – Day 10 (Tues) – NodeJS: Week 3: Cookies and Express Sessions
  3. Bootcamp Notes – Day 11 (Wed) – NodeJS: Week 3: Passport and Token-Based Authentication

Week 4: Backend Services

  1. Bootcamp Notes – Day 12 (Thu) – NodeJS: Week 3: Mongoose Population
  2. Bootcamp Notes – Day 13 (Mon) – NodeJS: Week 4: Backend Services – HTTPS and Secure Communication
  3. Bootcamp Notes – Day 14 (Tues) – NodeJS: Week 4: Backend Services – Cross-Origin Resource Sharing & OAuth and User Authentication

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